Wellbeing Treatment Rooms
Join the growing list of practitioners who serve our community of parents, children, and entrepreneurs.
Our goal is to create a space to help practitioners grow their practice and give them a welcoming community in which they can feel supported both personally and professionally.
Book a private tour and find out how we can support you and your practice.

Wellbeing Rooms
Wellbeing Professional Membership
Book any Wellbeing Treatment Room by the hour
20 hours per month in Wellbeing Rooms: Dogwood, Sage, Lavender, Micro Offices, and Meeting Room
+10% off additional Wellbeing Room bookings
Starting at $350/mo.
Full and Split Day leases available in any Wellbeing Treatment Room.
The Community
In addition to providing practitioner rooms, OneSpace also houses private workspaces and onsite childcare. It is of utmost importance to OneSpace to create a comfortable and secure environment for all our members, in addition to providing our members with access to counselling and coaching services that fit their needs.
Areas of Helping Practitioner practices most suited to the OneSpace community include:
-Pregnancy Counselling
-Life Balance
-Professional Burnout
-ADHD Coaching
-Marriage/Relationship Counselling
-Family Caregiver Stress
-Pre and Post Natal Counselling
Given the nature of the space OneSpace is not able to lease to services that include body modification and several personal care/aesthetics services.
Areas of Bodywork practices most suited to the OneSpace community include:
-Massage Therapy
-Bodywork Therapy